September 10th | 11:00am – 12:30pm ET | Virtual

Boards and CEOs continue to value data more and more. Do you feel like your team is prepared to meet expectations?

This upcoming virtual workshop is designed specifically for PR and communications leaders looking to implement a data-driven strategy into their everyday activities.

Why Attend?

By participating in this workshop, you will gain valuable insights into how to enhance your communication strategies using data. You’ll leave with a clear understanding of how to go beyond impressions to accurately measure and prove the impact the communications function has within your organization and elevate its position within the business.

Agenda Preview:

  1. The “Communications Value Path”: Discover the progression path that shows how communicators can increase the value of their function with advanced data and insights.
  2. Real-World Examples: Understand how to ask the right questions, identify necessary assets, and take strategic actions using real case studies.
  3. Test Your Learning: Engage in an interactive, low-pressure activity that will help cement your take aways post-event.
  4. Live Q&A: Get answers to your pressing questions throughout the workshop.

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Know the Right Questions: Learn how to identify the critical questions you should ask to drive your communications strategy forward.
  • Identify Necessary Assets: Understand what tools and data you need to collect and analyze to support your communication goals.
  • Take Strategic Actions: Discover actionable steps to enhance the value of your communications efforts.


Don’t miss this opportunity to advance your skills and network with other leaders in the field. Register now and take the first step towards becoming a more data-savvy communicator.

We welcome Director-level+ Communications Leaders to request an invitation to join this hands-on workshop.

You should receive an email to confirm your request. Upon qualification, you will receive a follow up email from a member of our team confirming your participation.

Related Resources

September 18th | 6:00pm ET | New York

The communications landscape is always shifting – are you staying on top of emerging trends? 

On September 18th, New York area-based communications heads are gathering to discuss current and nascent trends in:

  • Reputation management
  • Crisis control
  • Data & analytics
  • and more!

This is an executive peer-driven roundtable for 8-10 Senior Communications Leaders. Jeffersonian-style dinners work best when everyone participates, so we encourage active engagement from our attendees. There will be no presentation as part of this event.

Who should apply? Chief Communications Officers or equivalent function

You should receive an email to confirm your request. Upon qualification, you will receive a follow up email from a member of our team confirming your participation.

Related Resources

September 26th | 12:00pm ET | Virtual

Communications plays a unique role, not only in promoting reputation but also in serving as an advocate on behalf of all relevant audiences and stakeholder groups.

In recent years, however, we’ve seen a retrenchment in this regard as organizations and their communications leaders reevaluate the impact of their work. While in some cases, this is in alignment with organizational values, in others it’s a matter of public positioning and brand safety.

This discussion will focus on the changing nature of the advocacy role of the communicator within an organization, and will explore the following questions and more:

  • What have you experienced in your day-to-day work as it comes to the role of the communicator-as-an-advocate?
  • How do you coach executives when approaching media engagements, and what are they saying?
  • How are employee channels like ERGs affected by these shifts?

We welcome CCOs, VPs, and Directors of Communications to request an invitation to join this roundtable discussion.

You should receive an email to confirm your request. Upon qualification, you will receive a follow up email from a member of our team confirming your participation.

Related Resources

October 1st | 8:00 – 10:00am CT | Austin, TX

Global uncertainty is higher than we’ve seen in years. Not only does this growing uncertainty complicate external communications from an organizational perspective, it influences internal stakeholders and their brand perception, as well.

Interestingly, internal audiences are often informed about their organization’s stances towards global issues and events through external channels, which can create new feedback loops. Given the degree to which internal stakeholders can affect organizational reputation both internally and externally, these feedback loops can have massive reputational impacts if they’re mismanaged.

However, dislocated, inconsistent messaging across internal and external channels can impact reputation, as well. As uncertainty increases and the issue grows more pressing, it’s important for communicators to be prepared to both serve as an effective stakeholder advocate and message consistently on behalf of their organization – the session will explore strategies to help do so.

We welcome CCOs, VPs, and Directors of Communications to request an invitation to join this roundtable breakfast discussion.

You should receive an email to confirm your request. Upon qualification, you will receive a follow up email from a member of our team confirming your participation.

Related Resources