July 23rd | 12:00pm ET | Virtual

A vital stakeholder group that communicators are responsible for addressing is employees, and over the past decade, this group has become much more outspoken.

Interestingly, this is largely driven by external circumstances, which presents a truly complex challenge to communicators: how to best address the concerns of colleagues with business strategies.

This one-hour discussion will seek to address the following questions:

  • How do communicators promote aligned organizational action?
  • What resources do communicators leverage to ensure alignment, from reputational data to employee resource groups?
  • How are communications teams using external channels to reach internal stakeholders?
  • How can employees become external brand advocates?

We welcome CCOs, VPs, and Directors of Communications to request an invitation to join this roundtable discussion.

You should receive an email to confirm your request. Upon qualification, you will receive a follow up email from a member of our team confirming your participation.

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