July 30th | 12:00pm ET | Virtual

As consumers evolve the way they make decisions and consume video content, digital influencers with outsized followings have become a key cog in the world of business.

Not only are marketing teams and advertising agencies leveraging their followings to connect with consumers, communications teams are also partnering with influencers to spread their messages and drive positive narratives about their brands.

In 2024, earned media strategies are not restricted to journalists and outlets – it is becoming essential for communications teams to have a built-out influencer strategy as well.

This has produced several questions:

  • How do communicators work with more influencers to amplify key messages?
  • What resources should teams be leaning on to help identify, target, and measure the impact of specific influencers?
  • As communicators wade further into content creation, how can comms teams effectively partner with influencers and marketing teams to develop comprehensive content plans?

This 1-hour discussion will explore these questions and more.

We welcome CCOs, VPs, and Directors of Communications to request an invitation to join this roundtable discussion.

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